Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Apa itu Adjective atau kata sifat - Cara menguasai bahasa Inggris

Kata Sifat

Apa itu kata Adjective atau kata sifat ?

Definisi dari adjective :

Adjective adalah kata sifat yaitu kata yang menerangkan kata benda dengan kode kamus Adj.

Contoh : 

·         Adjective ( Kata sifat ) di gabung dengan Noun ( Kata Benda )

1.       Large elephant
2.       Grey elephant
3.       Friendly elephant
( Elephant adalah kata Benda )

Adjective ( Kata Sifat ) digabung dengan kata benda .dapat memperjelas arti dan artinya menjadi lebih spesific .
Pernyataan what kind ( Menyatakan jenis apa ) , what colour ( Warna apa ), which one ( Yang mana ) or how many ( atau berapa banyak , menerangkan jumlah  ).

Contoh kalimat :

    Follow the yellow cab.
    (dalam contoh ini , the adjective “ yellow “ digabung dengan  the noun( Kata benda ) “cab” .)
    Craig caught a large bass.
    (dalam contoh ini , the adjective “large” digabung dengan  the noun( Kata benda ) “bass”.)
    It is the girl with the pale face again.
    The principal words should be in bold.
    (Hati-hati dengan  adjective “ principal “ diatas )
    The rusty nail he stood on was the cause of the infection.
    Please put the old documents in the shredder.
    There is an essential matter we need to discuss.
    Peter guessed the right number.

·         Adjective di gabung dengan Pronouns ( Kata Ganti )
Walaupun ini tidak UMUM .

             It is a blue one.
            (dalam contoh ini , the adjective” blue” digabung dengan  pronoun ( Kata ganti ) “ one” .)
            Only a brave few have received a recommendation.


1. Possessive Adjectives ( Kata Sifat yang berhubungan dengan Milik )

1   Possessive adjectives di gunakan untuk menunjukkan milik . 

Contohnya :

They are my…, your…, his…, her…, its…, our… and their…. (They are adalah jenis  possessive pronoun ( kata ganti milik ).

2. Demonstrative Adjectives : digunakan untuk menunjukkan menerangkan sesuatu yang lebih khusus.
Contohnya :

This, that              ( untuk tunggal )
These and those ( Untuk Jamak )

Contoh kalimat :

    If I hear that parrot again, I will call the RSPCA.
    ( That adalah demonstrative adjective. Itu Ditunjukkan pada kata khusus  “ parrot “.)
    Medals will only be given to those runners who complete the marathon in less than 8 hours.
    (Those adalah contoh  demonstrative adjective. Itu menujukkan kata khusus  people.)
      3. Indefinite Adjectives : di bentuk dari Kata ganti tak tentu

Contoh paling umum untuk indefinite pronouns, adalah
no, any, many, few and several. 

Contoh kalimat :

* The chief has heard many people make the same promise.
 (The indefinite adjective many digabung dengan kata benda  ( noun) “ people”.)
* According to a council spokesman, there are no wallabies left in Derbyshire. However, over the past few months, many walkers have reported seeing several adults with young.
    (The indefinite adjectives dalam contoh ini adalah  no, few, many and several.)

       4.  Numbers ( Angka ) : Ini di klasifikasi ke dalam Adjective juga . 

Contohnya :

    Four dolphins stayed with the boat until dawn.
    (The adjective atau kata sifat  “ four”  di gabung dengan kata benda ( noun ) “dolphins “.)
    All we could muster was 9 cans of beans.
    (The adjective  atau kata angka  “ 9 “ di gabung dengan kata benda  (noun) “ cans” .)

Dibawah ini beberapa kosa kata untuk Adjective ( atau kata sifat )

Able                                                                - bisa
Absent                                                           - tidak hadir
Abstract                                                          - tak nyata
Accompanied                                               - berteman
Active                                                             - aktif
Alive                                                               - hidup
Alone                                                             - sendirian
Arrogant                                                         - sombong
Artificial                                                          - tiruan
Ashamed of                                                  - malu dengan
Backward                                                      - mundur
Bad                                                                 - buruk
Bad/wicked                                                   - jahat
Beautiful                                                        - indah
Big                                                                  - besar
Bitter                                                               - pahit
Black                                                              - hitam
Blunt                                                              - tumpul
Bold                                                                - perkasa
Brave                                                              - berani
Bright                                                             - gemilang
Brilliant                                                          - cemerlang
Broad                                                             - longgar
Busy                                                               - sibuk
Calm                                                               - tenang
Capable                                                         - cakap
Cheap                                                            - murah
Clean                                                             - bersih
Clear                                                              - cerah/terang
Clever                                                            - pandai
Close by                                                        - dekat
Closed                                                           - tertutup
Cloudy                                                           - berawan
Cold                                                                - dingin
Comic                                                             - kocak
Common                                                        - umum
Complicated                                                  - ruwet
Concrete                                                        - nyata
Cooked                                                          - masak
Coward                                                          - penakut
Cruel                                                              - kejam
Cursory                                                          - sepintas lalu
Curved                                                           - lengkung
Dangerous                                                    - berbahaya
Dark                                                                - gelap
Dead                                                              - mati
Deep                                                              - dalam
Defiled                                                           - ternoda
Dense                                                            - padat
Different                                                        - berbeda
Difficult                                                          - sukar
Diligent                                                          - rajin
Dim                                                                 - suram
Direct                                                              - langsung
Dirty                                                                - kotor
Dishonest                                                      - tidak jujur
Disobedient                                                  - tidak taat
Done                                                              - masak
Dry                                                                  - kering
Easy                                                               - mudah
Empty                                                             - kosong
Enough                                                         - cukup
Enslaved                                                       - diperbudak
Entire                                                             - seluruh
Eternal                                                           - kekal
Exclusive                                                       - khusus sendiri
Expensive                                                     - mahal
Fair                                                                 - adil
Fanatic                                                           - berpegang teguh
Far                                                                  - jauh
Fast                                                                - cepat
Fat                                                                  - gemuk
Fatal                                                               - malang
Female                                                           - betina
Feminine                                                       - perempuan
Fertile                                                             - subur
Few                                                                - sedikit
Fine                                                                - baik
Foolish                                                           - bidih
Foreign                                                          - luar negeri
Fortunate                                                       - untung
Foward                                                           - ke depan
Free                                                                - bebas
Full                                                                 - penuh/kenyang
Gentle                                                            - lembut hati
Glad                                                                - gembira
Good                                                              - baik
Gradual                                                          - bertahap
Guiltless                                                        - tak bersalah
Guilty                                                              - bersalah
Happy                                                            - bahagia
Hard                                                               - keras/giat
Harmless                                                       - tak berbahaya
Healthy                                                          - sehat
Heavy                                                             - berat
High                                                               - tinggi
Holy                                                                - suci
Honest                                                           - jujur
Hot                                                                  - panas

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